CZ EN Translate



APPLICATION IDES_CZ(English version)
Off-line application for electronic data reporting.

1)Recommended method of installation:

Before installing IDES-CZ for 2011 do the following steps:

a) Archive declaration files (Declaration files – Display / Correct – Archive) in your previous version of the IDES application.

b) Backup data ( Tools -  Backup – Back up) in your previous version of IDES. Quit the IDES application.

c)Uninstall the previous version of the IDES application.

2)Installation of the application:

a) Unzip 6 files from the installation package to an empty folder. Start the installation by clicking on the Setup.exe. Then you can follow the installation guide.

For users of Windows Vista or Windows 7 – install the IDES application to the root folder for example: C:\ides_cz\ .

b) After the first start of the application click on the menu (Help – Info) and you should see this info on the second line: version 8.0 (2011/01/24 14:56:32) db 8.0 .

c) Restore the data from a backup (Tools – Backup – Restore from a backup). Choose the latest backup file.

d) In case you import files in fixed length (ASCII filter) in 2011 it is necessary after “Restore from a backup” to create new ASCII filter for 2011  (Tools – Filter setting – New filter (choose filter type ASCII and give it a name for example ASCII-2011) - and then “Save” it).
This is the right ASCII filter for 2011.

e) For further work with the application use the SimpleManIDES-CZv6.0.doc

Installation package download:
IDES-CZ version 8.0 for 2011(EN version)

pre-installed version:
IDES-CZ version 8.0 for 2011(EN version)

Changes in the structure of import file - valid from January 1st 2011
CSV file
ASCII file 


Simple manual for IDES 
Translated application menu for IDES-CZ (part 1)
Translated application menu for IDES-CZ (part 2)
Structure of import records
Application form for electronical communication



This page was published on: 1/6/2012 9:21 AM
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